About this Nominee
Hi, My name is Connor Manhart. I am 11 years old and in the 6th grade. I love Orangevale! When I grow up I want to live here and be a doctor to help other people or a professional soccer player because I love soccer. I like volunteering with Helping Hands OV because I can see all the good I am doing for other people. I have helped to mow lawns, pull weeds, rake leaves and even delivered food to people that can't go to get it on their own. I have learned a lot too like how to change a lightbulb and batteries and even how to fix a fence. I have fun at all of the events like the salsa cook off where I won one year with my dad. I like helping others because I can see the smiles on their faces and that means a lot to me. I always want to do better and help other people in our community to feel better too. Thank you for thinking to vote for me.