Nominee "Pathway Fellowship" - Best of Orangevale 2024

Pathway Fellowship


About this Nominee

Meet Us at The Mansion!

Pathway Fellowship meets in a historic building in 1907 and is recognized by the Orangevale Historical Society. We are sure you have seen it and driven by hundreds or thousands of times. It’s the mansion on Greenback behind Walmart. It’s been a few different restaurants over the years and has been restored to reflect the original homeowner’s design.

The inside is impressive and much of it is still original.

Although the building may be old, we are not old school in the way we do church. Pathway is a non-denominational Christian church that anyone would feel comfortable in.

We all know that God pursues every human He ever created. We respond by being a casual, down to earth church community who are all trying to live lives that reflect God’s purposes for us in all areas of life. We are not wacky church people! We don’t use snakes in services or worship UFOs or drink Kool-Aid, in fact, we are not even religious in a sense.

Pathway is a church who practices great faith in the God who created Heaven and Earth and made us all in His image.

We acknowledge that the Bible is real and true, and we teach it in such a way that anyone can understand and apply these timeless principles that are not only beneficial to us personally, but to all humanity. We acknowledge that God asks us not only to love Him, but to love others too, so we do our best to encourage and support each other. We have also partnered with HART of Orangevale to provide showers for the homeless every Thursday. And we host AA and recovery groups every day of the week except Sunday, when we do our church services.

Pathway is a church of about 100 people. It’s easy to walk in, feel welcome, and feel at home, since… we meet in a big home, feeling at home is easy.

Because we are limited on space, we cannot provide children’s or youth ministry at this time, but it is a very unique and friendly place for adults of all ages. We are actively looking for a second site for additional services and children’s and youth ministries.

You’re invited. Meet us at the Mansion. You will be glad you tried it and we will be glad to meet you.

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