Youth Volunteer of The Year (18 and under) - Best of Orangevale 2023
7 contenders in this category.


Kayleighann McCormack

Hi, my name is Kayleighann and I'm ten years old. I love helping out others within our community. During the holiday season, I do an annual toy drive that benefits AboutKidz. This year is my 7th annua

Aliyah Wong

Hi, my name Is Aliyah Wong! I am 16 and currently a junior at Casa Roble High School. I am an avid believer in giving back to our community and have much appreciation towards many local groups in OV.

Connor Manhart - Helping Hands OV

Hi, My name is Connor Manhart. I am 11 years old and in the 6th grade. I love Orangevale! When I grow up I want to live here and be a doctor to help other people or a professional soccer player bec

Other Worthy Contenders

These other contenders are great, but didn't make the top 5.

Youth Volunteer of The Year (18 and under)
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